Access Coordinators announced for Screen Australia training program

What is an Access Coordinator?

It is a role that meets a long overdue need to work with producers, productions companies, and commissioners to help them ensure their work practices and places are accessible to those cast and crew who identify as Deaf, Disabled, or Neurodivergent (DDN) wanting to work and bring their talents to our industry.

Stephanie, having first learned of this role during the Respectability lab in 2022, was excited to learn of Screen Australia’s intention to facilitate a training program that would create a cohort of Access Coordinators here in Australia. Even more exciting was Steph learning that she had been selected as a participant for the program and would travel to Sydney to learn from UK-based facilitators Bridge06.

The participants chosen for this program bring a wealth of talent, industry knowledge, and most importantly expertise when it comes to meeting Access Requirements for DDN cast and crew thanks to their own firsthand experience of advocating for their own access requirements.

To learn more about the role, feel free to send through an enquiry to Stephanie via the contact form or head to Screen Australia’s website for more information.

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